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Past Tenses

 Past Tense Tense symbolizes the ever moving, non-stop wheel of time which is forever busy gathering moments of future and throwing them into the dustbin of past                                 Simple Past Used to indicate an action completed in the past. It often occurs with adverb of time. Sometimes it is used without an adverb of time. Used for past habits. Eg. I played football when I was a child. Rule: Subject + V2 Eg She wrote a letter 1. Assertive Sentences – Subject + V2 + Object + (.) She wrote a letter. 2. Negative Sentences- Subject + didn’t + V1 + Object + (.) She didn’t.write a letter. 3. Interrogative Sentences- Did + Subject + V1 + Object + (?) Did she write a letter? 4. Interrogative Negative Sentences- Did + Subject + not + V1 + Object + (?) Did she not write a letter?                                     Past Continuous Tense Used to denote an action going on at some time in the past. e.g. I was driving a car. Rule: was/were + ing 1. Assertiv

Tenses! (Present Tenses)

                                  Tenses Tenses denote the time of action. They show when the work is done. They are: (1)Present Tense (2)Past Tense (3)Future Tense They are further divided into:                                                        (1)Present Tense (1)Simple Present - It is used to denote scientific facts, universal truths and work  done on daily basis. Example – She writes a letter. Example – She does not write a letter. Example – Does she write a letter? Example – Does she not write a letter? (2)Present Continuous – It is used to express an action taking place at the time of speaking. Example – she is writing a letter. Example – She is not writing a letter. Example – Is she writing a letter? ASSERTIVE RULE --- sub + V1 + s/es + object NEGATIVE RULE --- sub + does not + v1 + s/es + object INTERROGATIVE RULE --- Does + sub + v1 + s/es + object INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE ASSERTIVE --- Does + sub + not + v1 + s/es + object =+ ASSERTIVE RULE --

Part of speech

               The Eight part of speech                   Words are used to form pattern of English grammar and syntax. Each word falls into one of eight categories referred to as parts of speech. Here are the eight commonly recognised part of speech. 1.Noun            A word which is a person,place,thing or idea.Noun can be countable or uncountable. E.g.:- Mount Everest,book,horse,prakash, Strength,car,Taj Mahal,China,house,child etc. 2.Pronoun         A word that is used take the place of Noun.  There are number of pronouns such as E.g.:- I, They, ourselves, itself, your, my, nobody, who, which, her, we Kind of pronouns:- (a) personal pronoun (b) possessive pronoun (c) Reflexive pronoun (d) Emphatic pronoun (e) Demonstrative pronoun (f) Indefinite pronoun (g) Distributive pronoun (h) Reciprocal pronoun (i)  Relative pronoun (j)  Interrogative pronoun 3. Adjectives   A word that is used to described a noun or pronoun. There are various Type