Part of speech

               The Eight part of speech 

                Words are used to form pattern of English grammar and syntax. Each word falls
into one of eight categories referred to as parts of speech. Here are the eight commonly recognised part of speech.


           A word which is a person,place,thing or idea.Noun can be countable or uncountable.
E.g.:- Mount Everest,book,horse,prakash,Strength,car,Taj Mahal,China,house,child etc.


       A word that is used take the place of Noun. There are number of pronouns such as
E.g.:- I, They, ourselves, itself, your, my, nobody, who, which, her, we
Kind of pronouns:-
(a) personal pronoun
(b) possessive pronoun
(c) Reflexive pronoun
(d) Emphatic pronoun
(e) Demonstrative pronoun
(f) Indefinite pronoun
(g) Distributive pronoun
(h) Reciprocal pronoun
(i)  Relative pronoun
(j)  Interrogative pronoun

3. Adjectives

  A word that is used to described a noun or pronoun. There are various Types of adjectives..
Kind of Adjectives:-
(a) Adjective of Quality
(b) Adjective of Quantity
(c) Adjective of Number
(d)Demonstrative Adjective
(e) Possessive Adjective
(f) Distributive Adjective
(g) Interrogative Adjectives
(h) Proper Adjectives
(i) Emphasizing Adjectives
(j) Exclamatory Adjectives

4. Verb.

    A word that indicates an action, being or state of being.
E.g.:- Play, run, think, study, smell, wait, be, drive, renounce, Fill.
Kind of Verb:-
(a) Main Verb
(b) Helping Verb


      A word that is used to describe a verb which tells how, where, or when something is done.
E.g.:- Carefully, often, Very, intelligent, quite, too, rarely, never etc.
Kind of Adverb:-
(a) Adverb of time
(b) Adverb of Frequency
(c) Adverb of manner
(d) Adverb of place
(e) Adverb of Degree
(f) Interrogative Adverb
(g) Adverb of Negation and Affirmation
(h) Adverb of reason
(i) Relative Adverb

6. Conjunction

 A word that is used to join words or groups
of words. Conjunction are used to connect to sentence into one more complex Sentence.
E.g.:- And, Or, but neither, because, While, Since, Although etc.
Kind of Conjunction:-
(a) Co-ordinating Conjunction
(b) Subordinating Conjunction

7. Preposition

 A word used indicating the relationship between a Noun or pronouns to another word. There are number of prepositions in English used in a variety of manners
 E.g.:- In, Until, of, From, Often, Under, beyond, across, towards etc.

8. Interjection 

 A single word used to express strong emotion.
E.g.:- Wow!, Ah!, Oh!, No!.
