Love idioms and phrases

Love idioms and phrases:

1. Match made in heaven (एक रिश्ता जो खुशहाल और सफल हो क्यूंकि दोनों एक दुसरे के अनुकूल हैं): A marriage that is likely to be happy and successful because the two people are very compatible with each other.

2. Head over heels (किसी से बेहद प्यार करना): To be very much in love with someone

3. Love at first sight (किसी से मिलते ही उससे प्यार हो जाना): strong and immediate attraction to someone you have just met

4. To be a soul mate (कोई जो दुसरे को समझता हो और पूरी तरह अपनाता हो): to be someone who understands and accepts the other person completely

5. To take one’s breath away (जब कोई चीज़ आपको बहुत खूबसूरत लगती हो या आपको चकित कर देती हो): If you say that something takes your breath away, you are emphasizing that it is extremely beautiful or surprising.

6. To be someone’s one and only (किसी के लिए ख़ास होना): to be unique to the other person

7. To fall head over heels in love (किसी के प्यार में पड़ना): to fall completely in love
